@database AmiChatOrg1.3.ixml @author Terry Cooksey @$VER: AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION 1.3 @(c) COOKSEY TELEVISION PRODUCTIONS & WEB DESIGNS, 1997 @remark "Created with GoldED 4.6.2 on april 10-15, 1997)" @remark "Terry Cooksey is a musician, and a Toaster television pioneer." @index Index @help Help @alias logo "pics/atdlo.jpg" @alias dot "pics/ydot.iff" @alias stars "pics/stars.iff" @background "pics/defback.iff" @node main "Welcome to The AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION" @background "pics/stars.iff" @{a c dw} @{rr} @{fg shine}Welcome to the AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION guide Date of release -- April 25,1997@{fg text} @{"logo" img} @{b}@{font f3}@{BG shine}@{red}AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION@{ub} @{font f1}@{mark "Version 1.3"}@{font ix} @{font f1}@{bg shine}@{red}NEW !!! - @{blue}IXML Version@{d}@{b}@{fg highlight}@{blue}@{font f1}Cooksey Web Designs (c)1997@{ub}@{fg text} @rexx "rexx/clock.rexx" @{font ix}@{b}Arexx Clock@{ub}@{rect 100 30} Click me... @{font ix} @{cl} @{> B2 F}@{"dot" timg}@{"Author & Copyright" LINK author}@{"dot" timg}@{"Changes" LINK changes}@{"dot" timg}@{"Future" LINK future} @{a defa} @{BG fill} @{"dot" timg}@{"Introduction" link "Introduction"} - What's the AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION ABOUT ? @{"dot" timg}@{"A.C.O. Standards for Kicks,Bans & Akicks" link "A.C.O.StandardsforKicks"} A.C.O. Standards for Kicks,Bans,&Akicks @{"dot" timg}@{"A.C.O. Standards for SOUND files " link "A.C.O.StandardsforSOUNDfiles"} A.C.O. Standards for SOUND files @{"dot" timg}@{"Some HELPFUL HINTS" link "SomeHELPFULHINTS"} - Some HELPFUL HINTS @{"dot" timg}@{"Amiga Channels-Servers List" link "AMIGACHANNELS-SERVERSLIST"} - Amiga Channels-Servers List @{"dot" timg}@{"How To FOUND Your Own Chat Channel" link "HOWTOFOUNDYOUROWNCHATCHANNEL"} @{"dot" timg}@{"OTHER AMIGA THINGS OF INTEREST" link "OTHERAMIGATHINGSOFINTEREST"} - OTHER AMIGA THINGS OF INTEREST @{"dot" timg}@{"Amiga - Gateway News" link AMIGA-GATEWAYNEWS} Amiga - Gateway News @{"dot" timg}@{"Support the Amiga on Chatlines" link SupporttheAmigaonChatlines} - Support the Amiga on Chatlines @{"dot" timg}@{"Chatlines-AmIRC" link CHATLINESAMIRC} Chatlines & AmIRC @{"dot" timg}@{" Thanks " link "Thanksto..."} - Thanks to... @{"dot" timg}@{" Author " link "Author"} - About me @{"dot" timg}@{" Errors " link "Errors"} - Errors @{" Search " SYSTEM "SearchGuide AmiChatOrg1.3.ixml"}Search entire Guide for any string @{<}@{ucl} @{uur} @endnode //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @node Index "Index" @background "pics/redlava.gif" @{fg shine}@{b}@{sc #ff1100}@{s} @{" Index" link "Index"}@{us} @{rr} @{"Introduction" link "Introduction"} - What's the AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION ABOUT ? @{"A.C.O. Standards for Kicks,Bans&Akicks" link "A.C.O.StandardsforKicks"}A.C.O. Standards for Kicks,Bans,&Akicks @{"A.C.O. Standards for SOUND files " link "A.C.O.StandardsforSOUNDfiles"}A.C.O. Standards for SOUND files @{"Some HELPFUL HINTS" link "SomeHELPFULHINTS"} - Some HELPFUL HINTS @{"Amiga Channels-Servers List" link "AMIGACHANNELS-SERVERSLIST"} - Amiga Channels-Servers List @{"How To FOUND Your Own Chat Channel" link "HOWTOFOUNDYOUROWNCHATCHANNEL"} @{"DALNET Chat Channel Registration" link "DALNETCHATCHANNELREGISTRATION"} @{"GalaxyNet Chat Channel Registration" link "GALAXYNETCHATCHANNELREGISTRATION"} @{"irc.cobra.net Chat Channel Registration" link "COBRANETCHATCHANNELREGISTRATION"} @{"OTHER AMIGA THINGS OF INTEREST" link "OTHERAMIGATHINGSOFINTEREST"} - OTHER AMIGA THINGS OF INTEREST @{"Amiga - Gateway News" link AMIGA-GATEWAYNEWS} Latest Amiga - Gateway News @{"Support the Amiga on Chatlines" link SupporttheAmigaonChatlines} - Article on Amiga Chatlines @{"Chatlines-AmIRC" link CHATLINESAMIRC} - Chatlines & AmIRC @{"contact the author" link Contacttheauthor} - Contact author of Article @{"Credits" link CREDITS} - Credits..[Support the Amiga on Chatlines] @{i}@{fg highlight}Other...@{ui}@{fg text}@{n} @{"Thanks " link "Thanksto..."} - Thanks to... @{"Author " link "Author"} - About me @{"Errors " link "Errors"} - Errors @{urr} @endnode //---------------------------------------------------------------------- @node HELP "Help" @{a c dw}@{b} I need somebody...oooooohhh..just not any body ..oooooohhhhhhh@{p} Just kidding !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@{n} This is an iX-guide text. Use iX-guide for viewing. OR... use Multiview.. or AmigaGuide, IF you have to..You won't see any graphics though !@{n} Search note: You will need to get searchguide.lha from aminet, in order to use the search link on page 1. @{ub} @endnode //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @node "Introduction" "Introduction" @background "pics/back1.gif" @{urr} @{"pics/tnatdlo.jpg" img}@{d}@{a r dw}@{"pics/tnatdlo.jpg" img}@{n} @{a c dw}@{BG shine}@{red}AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION@{BG text}@{n} @{FG Text}@{bg shine}Version 1.3@{n} (HTML version included..SOON!)@{p} Hello Amiga lovers everywhere !@{p} @{cl}@{d %5}@{>} If you have been on the chatlines, you certainly know how worthless they are at the present time. Sure, if you want to sit on your multi-thousand dollar computers and waste your valuable time without hardly ever learning a thing, YOU most certainly disagree ! BUT, there are some of us Amiga owners who love the superiority of the great AMIGA computer, and have gone onto the chat channels to LEARN ! The AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION is for this group of people. @{<}@{d %10}@{ucl} @{font f3}@{b} @{n}@{red}PURPOSE:@{font f1}@{n} @{FG text}The AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION is committed to setting forth useful ideas to help us all get the most out of our time on IRC chatlines.@{n} @{a defa}@{rr}@{red} These include:@{FG Text} 1) in-depth knowledge of IRC programs 2) rules of behaviour while online 3) uniform standards for kicks,bans,akicks,OPs,SOPs,& sound filenames 4) complete knowledge of IRC commands 5) new servers, new channels, and AMIGA CHATLINE events, and more................... @{red}@{font f2} WHY YOU SHOULD BE INTERESTED IN The AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION: @{font f1}@{FG Text} 1) BECAUSE YOU WANT TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR TIME ON YOUR AMIGA COMPUTER 2) BECAUSE YOU WANT TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR TIME ONLINE 3) IF YOU ARE TIRED OF THE ASSHOLES ON THE CHATLINES, WHO BELIEVE IT IS RIGHT TO KICK PEOPLE OUT OF CHANNELS "for fun", ATTACK AND INSULT YOUR FAMILY, and ALL OTHER FORMS OF ABUSE AND MISCHIEF. @{urr} @endnode //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @node A.C.O.STANDARDSFORKICKS "A.C.O. Standards for Kicks" @background "pics/stars.iff" @{rr} @{a c dw}@{font f3}@{blue}@{u}@{sc #ffdd00}@{s}@{mark "Standards for Kicks,Bans, & Akicks "}@{FG text}@{u} @{font f1}@{red} @{a defa} --LISTEN UP ! YOU SHOULD ONLY KICK, or GET KICKED FROM A CHANNEL FOR: 1) FOR FLOODING ANYONE.... FLOODING IS A CONSTANT STREAM OF TEXT TO HARRASS, ANNOY, OR NUETRALIZE ANOTHER USER 2) For making violent threats and insisting that YOU are serious about carrying them out ! 3) For insulting someone's family members ...AT ALL 4) For repeatedly insulting any user, in the MAIN channel window 5) For repeatedly insulting the Great Amiga computer.. 6) For coming on an Amiga channel, using any computer EXCEPT AMIGAs note: Most of us have found that non-amiga users cannot relate to the Amiga, due to it's tremendous superiority over EVERY other platform known; except SGI(cost-$25,000 minimum) If you find a rare exception to this, then, fine. YOU SHOULD ONLY BAN, or GET BANNED FROM A CHANNEL FOR: 1) Repeating the above mentioned things that would get you kicked ! YOU SHOULD ONLY AKICK, or GET KICKED FROM A CHANNEL FOR: 1) Repeatedly doing the above mentioned things that would get you banned Otherwise.. total freedom of speech is the rule. You may argue,chat, or come to learn. I have only learned 1 single time on the chatline. @{urr} @endnode //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node A.C.O.STANDARDSFORSOUNDFILES "A.C.O. Standards for Sound files" @{rr}@{a c dw} @{u}@{sc #ffdd00}@{s}@{mark "A.C.O. Standards for SOUND FILES "}@{u} @{a defa} NECCESSITY FOR HAVING UNIFORM SOUND FILENAMES: Unless BOTH, the sender And reciver of a sound file have the file being sent, no sound is heard or played ! Also,THE SOUND FILENAMES HAVE TO BE THE SAME IN ORDER FOR ANY SOUND TO BE PLAYED OR HEARD. Yes, ye special breed of computer lovers..the need for a sound filename standard is desperately needed ! SOUND filename standards are in progress NOW..BUT we need YOUR help. Send us your favorite sounds. Send no more than 5 files. 4 files must be LESS THAN 100K...1 may be over 100K, but LESS THAN 200K. WE,in turn will a)listen to all files b)decide best name for files c)pack sound files into an lha archive(s) d)send all donators regular archives e)files will be freely distributable f)files will be amiga snd,iff,8svx Please NOTE: All sounds submitted which violate Copyright laws, must and will be deleted.....as if I should have to tell you cool AMIGANS ! @{urr} @endnode //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @node SOMEHELPFULHINTS "Some HELPFUL HINTS" @{rr}@{a c dw} @{u}@{sc #ffdd00}@{s}@{mark "Some HELPFUL HINTS: "}@{u} @{a defa} 1) Using AmIRC gives you the superiority over any situation 2) lag and netsplits are cut to a minimun under these conditions a)when users are connected to the SAME name server b)when using a Direct Client Connection or DCC 3) DalNet, Galaxynet, and Cobra are the best IRC networks. Undernet.org, unfortuantely, is a broken down network. 4) You don't deserve to be kicked off a channel without a real reason 5) Avoid assholes restricting your access and banning you because you're smarter than these violent dummies. I have talked with alot of these people, and they refuse to stop attacking people. So, forget these assholes, and come to AMIGA channels, to learn without being attacked. 6) The ONLY way to have complete control, while on the chatlines, is to FOUND your own channel...and BTW..never point your anger or insults at a channel FOUNDER..(you may NOT get back onto that channel again, if you do !) The FOUNDER alone, has the power to akick (permanently ban you) 7) An IRC channel is really a "communication station". Once connected, there are many forms of communication possible; from typing text into the main window, /msg people, send chanserv memos, sending/receiving files, or holding computer training classes. 8) Once you connect to a channel, you can type /links to get a list of ALL the servers connected to the Network you are on. Enter the name of 1 or 2, closest to you geographically, in your channels-servers list. You can also type /list to get a complete list of Channels connected to that Network. @{a c dw} You can find a COMPLETE list of DALNET IRC commands at: http://www.inet-direct.com/cooksey/clchg.htm @endnode //--------------------------------------------------------------------- @node OTHERAMIGATHINGSOFINTEREST "OTHER AMIGA THINGS OF INTEREST" @{rr} @{"pics/tnatdlo.jpg" img}@{d}@{a r dw}@{"pics/tnatdlo.jpg" img} @{a c dw}@{FG text}@{b}@{u}@{sc #ffdd00}@{s}@{mark "OTHER AMIGA THINGS OF INTEREST: "}@{ub} @{a defa} 1) If you don't already know-- Aminet is NOT Public Domain ! Aminet is the private collection of ONE man-Urban Mueller. He can end Aminet any time HE chooses. ....And, thanks needs to be given to Urban for the great job he and others have done in providing so many of us with an organized, regular supply of free "publicly accessible" Amiga software. Thanks Urban, Matthias, Shane.... 2) @{font f3}@{"Amiga - Gateway News" link AMIGA-GATEWAYNEWS} @{font f1}@{fg text}@{b}@{sc #ff0000}@{s} 3) Send any donations of cash, equipment, software, hardware, or otherwise..to AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION c/o Terry Cooksey P.O. Box 586 Jonesboro, AR 72403 *Please tell us YOUR ideas as to how to spend YOUR cash donations* 4) Send comments, or any ideas for improving chatlines, and/or advancing the Amiga, Amiga software, or the AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION...@{us} to: terry@inet-direct.com or terry@insolwwb.net @{a c dw} TELL EVERYONE --IT'S TIME TO LEARN ON THE CHATLINES--FINALLY @endnode //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node AMIGA-GATEWAYNEWS "Amiga - Gateway News" @background #FF2222 @{urr} @{a c dw}@{b}@{BG shine}@{font f4}@{red}Amiga - - Gateway News@{FG text}@{p} @{a defa} Gateway 2000 makes offer to acquire assets of AMIGA Technologies, GmbH @{blue}@{font f2} NORTH SIOUX CITY, S.D., March 27, 1997 - Gateway 2000, Inc. (Nasdaq: GATE) today announced that the company has made an offer to acquire the assets of AMIGA Technologies including all patents, trademarks and trade names. The company is a subsidiary of ESCOM AG, a German-based computer company that went into bankruptcy in July of 1996. AMIGA led the industry in combining computer graphics, animation,and film sequences with stereo sound known today as multimedia.@{p} The offer has been accepted by the court-appointed Administrator in Bankruptcy in Germany acting on behalf of AMIGA. The agreement is subject to regulatory approval.@{p} "This acquisition is good news for Gateway and customers of AMIGA," said Rick Snyder,president and COO of Gateway 2000. "It will strengthen our intellectual property position and invigorate a company that has been a pioneer in multimedia solutions and operating systems technology."@{p} AMIGA Technologies will be renamed AMIGA International. The company will operate as a separate business unit and will retain its current president, Petro Tyschtschenko, who will work to develop new products for the AMIGA market.@{p} "Gateway 2000 will give us new life and energy for the future," said Tyschtschenko.@{p} About Gateway 2000@{n} Gateway 2000, Inc., a Fortune 500 company founded in 1985, is a global leader in the direct marketing of PCs. The company, headquartered in North Sioux City, South Dakota, has manufacturing facilities in the United States, Ireland and Malaysia, and employs over 9,700 people world- wide. Gateway 2000 products and services consistently win top awards from leading industry publications. In 1996, the company shipped 1.9 million systems and reported revenues of $5 billion and net income of $250 million.@{p} About AMIGA@{n} Since the introductionof the AMIGA A1000 in 1985, AMIGA has represented the embodiment of the efficient use of memory and hard drive capacity, while pioneering industry developments in multimedia, 32-bit multitasking and autoconfiguration. @endnode //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node AMIGACHANNELS-SERVERSLIST "Amiga Channels-Servers List" @background #ffffff @{rr}@{a c dw} @{u}@{sc #ffdd00}@{s}@{mark "AMIGA CHANNELS-SERVERS LIST"}@{uu} @{b}@{u}Here is the 3rd edition of the AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATIONS uniform list of Amiga channels and IRC servers:@{uu} @{i} [Paste into your AmIRC program's defaultAmIRC.cfg or use the file servers' Paste.txt,included in the archive]@{ui}@{us} @{b}@{black} @{a defa} SERVER Atlanta.ga.us.galaxynet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Atlanta Galaxynet SERVER StLouis.mo.us.galaxynet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,StLouis Galaxynet SERVER wustl.us.galaxynet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Wustl Galaxynet SERVER HotSprings.ar.us.galaxynet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Galaxy/Amiga3D SERVER webzone.dal.net,7000,#Amiga3D,,COOKSEY/Amiga3D SERVER laredo.tx.us.sandnet.org,6667,#Amiga,,SandNet/Amiga SERVER paola.malta.eu.sandnet.org,6667,#Amiga,,SandNet/Amiga3D SERVER stlouis.mo.us.sandnet.org,6667,#Amiga,,SandNet/Amiga SERVER Denmark.eu.sandnet.org,6667,#Amiga,,SandNet/Amiga3D SERVER columbus.oh.us.sandnet.org,6667,#Amiga,,SandNet/Amiga SERVER sanfrancisco.ca.us.sandnet.org,7000,#Amiga3D,,SandNet/Amiga3D SERVER irc.scv.net,6667,#Amiga,,Cooksey/#Amiga SERVER irc.undergrid.com,7000,#Amiga,,COOKSEY/#Amiga SERVER brasil.undergrid.com,7000,#Amiga,,COOKSEY/#Amiga SERVER camosun.undergrid.com,7000,#Amiga,,COOKSEY/#Amiga SERVER novus.undergrid.com,7000,#Amiga,,COOKSEY/#Amiga SERVER irc.cobra.net,7000,#Amiga3D,,COOKEY/Cobra SERVER Indianapolis.cobra.net,7000,#Amiga3D,,Cooksey/Cobra SERVER genesisnet.net,6667,#Amiga,,New/GenesisNet SERVER Milwaukee.WI.US.iNiQuiTY.Net,6667,#Amiga,,COOKSEY/#Amiga SERVER Baton-Rouge.La.US.iNiQuiTY.Net,6667,#Amiga,,COOKSEY/#Amiga SERVER SpryNet.us.galaxynet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Galaxy/Amiga3D SERVER chicago.il.us.galaxynet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Chicago Galaxynet SERVER irc.galaxynet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Services Galaxynet SERVER Vader.US.GalaxyNET.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Vader Galaxynet SERVER pacific.sg.galaxynet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Pacific Galaxynet SERVER phantasy.us.galaxynet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Phantasy Galaxynet SERVER Kauai.HI.US.GalaxyNet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Kauai Galaxynet SERVER Honolulu.HI.US.GalaxyNet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Honolulu Galaxynet SERVER CyberStreet.us.galaxynet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Galaxy/Amiga3D SERVER raptor.dal.net,6667,#AmigaIRC,,Cooksey/#AmigaIRC SERVER irc.dal.net,6667,#Lightwave3D,,Cooksey/Lightwave3D SERVER voyager.dal.net,6667,#VideoToaster,,COOKSEY/VideoToaster SERVER phoenix.dal.net,6667,#Liberty,eckmo,Cooksey/Liberty SERVER nether.dal.net,7000,#AmigaTV,,Cooksey/AmigaTV SERVER spider.dal.net,6667,#TheLight,,COOKSEY/TheLight SERVER toast.dal.net,6667,#RUSH!,,Cooksey/#RUSH! SERVER dragon.dal.net,7000,#Cooksey,,Cooksey/Cooksey SERVER ohare.dal.net,6667,#Jonesboro,,Cooksey/#Jonesboro SERVER orion.dal.net,7000,#The_Light,,Cooksey/The_Light SERVER wizlink.dal.net,6667,#AmigaCoders,,Cooksey/#AmigaCoders SERVER StLouis.mo.us.dal.net,7000,#AmazingAmiga,,Cooksey/Amazing/Amiga SERVER liberator.dal.net,6667,#AmigaIRC,,COOKSEY/#AmigaIRC SERVER amsterdam.dal.net,7000,#Amigaland,,Cooksey/Amigaland SERVER sodre.dal.net,6667,#Stoned??,,#Stoned??/DALNET SERVER davis.dal.net,6667,#AmigaTown,,Cooksey/AmigaTown SERVER mindijari.dal.net,7000,#AmigaMan,,Cooksey/#AmigaMan SERVER cyberverse.dal.net,7000,#Amigaville,,Cooksey/Amigaville SERVER firehouse.dal.net,6667,#Aminet,,Cooksey/#Aminet SERVER barovia.dal.net,7000,#AmigaMania,,Cooksey/#AmigaMania SERVER taxi.dal.net,7000,#AmigaIsland,,Cooksey/AmigaIsland SERVER durham.dal.net,7000,#Amiga3D,,COOKSEY/Amiga3D SERVER outland.dal.net,7000,#Amiga3D,,COOKSEY/Amiga3D SERVER glass.dal.net,7000,#Amiga3D,,COOKSEY/Amiga3D SERVER farside.dal.net,7000,#Amiga3D,,COOKSEY/Amiga3D SERVER uncc.dal.net,7000,#Amiga3D,,COOKSEY/Amiga3D SERVER irc.stealth.net,6667,#Amiga3D,,Stealth net SERVER irc-2.mit.edu,6667,#Amiga,, SERVER irc.ludd.luth.se,6667,#AmigaCafe,,AmiBot SERVER irc.cris.com,6668,,,IRC Cris/USA SERVER irc.ais.net,6666,,,efnet SERVER irc.epix.net,6667,,,efnet SERVER irc.primenet.com,6667,#Amiga3D,,IRC Primenet SERVER irc.portal.com,6667,,,IRC Portal SERVER irc.funet.fi,6667,#Amiga,,EfNet FuNet/Finland SERVER irc.southside.org,7000,#RUSHCHAT,,RUSH Chat SERVER irc.bt.net,6670,#MAIN,,new SERVER stork.doc.ic.ac.uk,6666,#MAIN,, SERVER de.clchat.vapor.com,6666,#MAIN,,ArcNet Berlin/Germany SERVER ch.clchat.vapor.com,6667,#MAIN,,ArcNet Thurgau/Switzerland SERVER us1.clchat.vapor.com,6667,#MAIN,,ArcNet Maryland/USA SERVER us2.clchat.vapor.com,6666,#MAIN,,ArcNet Nebraska/USA SERVER us3.clchat.vapor.com,6667,#MAIN,,ArcNet Illinois/USA SERVER irc.tau.ac.il,6666,#AmIRC,,EfNet Tel-Aviv University/Israel SERVER yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au,6667,#AmIRC,,Monash University/Australia SERVER irc.ccii.unipi.it,6667,#AmIRC,,EfNet Pisa/Italy SERVER irc.uni-paderborn.de,6666,#p/g!,,EfNet Paderborn/Germany SERVER alk.iesd.auc.dk,6666,#AmIRC,,EfNet Aalborg University SERVER irc.tokyo.wide.ad.jp,6667,#AmIRC,,EfNet WIDE Project Tokyo NOC/Japan SERVER sil.polytechnique.fr,6667,#AmIRC,,EfNet Ecole Polytechnique/France SERVER othello.ulb.ac.be,6667,#AmIRC,,EfNet Eco/Belgium SERVER eu.undernet.org,6667,#Amga3D,,Undernet Amsterdam/Netherlands SERVER se.undernet.org,6666,#Modulez,,Undernet Gothenburg/Sweden SERVER ca.undernet.org,6666,#Amiga3D,,Undernet Montreal/Canada SERVER au.undernet.org,6667,#AmIRC,,Undernet Australia SERVER hamilton.on.ca.undernet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Hamilton Undernet SERVER okc.ok.us.undernet.org,6666,#Amiga3D,,Oklahoma Undernet SERVER caen.fr.eu.undernet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Undernet France SERVER chicago.il.us.undernet.org,6668,#Amiga3D,,Chicago Undernet SERVER davis.ca.us.undernet.org,6667,#Amirc,,Davis Undernet SERVER manhattan.ks.us.undernet.org,6667,,,Manhattan Undernet SERVER phoenix.az.us.undernet.org,6666,,,Phoenix Undernet SERVER sanjose.ca.us.undernet.org,6667,,,SanJose Undernet SERVER ann-arbor.mi.us.undernet.org,6666,,,Ann-Arbor Undernet SERVER lowell.ma.us.undernet.org,6666,,,Lowell Undernet SERVER joplin.mo.us.undernet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Joplin Undernet SERVER sandiego.ca.us.undernet.org,6666,,,SanDiego Undernet SERVER stlouis.mo.us.undernet.org,6666,,,StLouis Undernet SERVER atlanta.ga.us.undernet.org,6666,,,Atlanta Undernet SERVER tampa.undernet.org,6667,#Amiga3D,,Tampa Undernet SERVER nz.undernet.org,6667,#AmIRC,,Undernet Auckland/New Zealand SERVER jp.undernet.org,6667,#AmIRCCafe,,Undernet Japan SERVER shell.golden.org,7000,#Amiga,,SHELLGOLDEN SERVER tradersparadise.dyndns.com,6667,#Amiga,,SHELLGOLDEN SERVER almond.elite.net,6667,#Amiga,,EliteNet SERVER oh.us.starnet.org,7000,#Amiga,,Cooksey/Starnet/#Amiga SERVER access3.digex.net,6667,#Amiga,,Cooksey/Starnet/#Amiga SERVER amigazone.com,7000,#Amigazone,, SERVER chat.turner.com,6667,#WCW,, SERVER irc.intervista.net,6667,#Amiga,, SERVER exit2.i-55.com,6667,#Amiga,, SERVER irc.chelmsford.com,6667,#Amiga,,Chelmsford SERVER irc.chelmsford.com,6667,#Amiga3D,,Chelmsford@{ub} @{a c dw} April 25, 1997....This is AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION Version1.3 THIS WILL BE UPDATED REGULARLY.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ @endnode //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @node HOWTOFOUNDYOUROWNCHATCHANNEL "How To FOUND Your Own Chat Channel" @{rr}@{a c dw} @{u}@{sc #ffdd00}@{s}@{mark "How To FOUND Your Own Chat Channel "} @{"DALNET Chat Channel Registration" link "DALNETCHATCHANNELREGISTRATION"} @{"GalaxyNet Chat Channel Registration" link "GALAXYNETCHATCHANNELREGISTRATION"} @{"irc.cobra.net Chat Channel Registration" link "COBRANETCHATCHANNELREGISTRATION"} @endnode //------------------------------------------------------------------------ @node DALNETCHATCHANNELREGISTRATION "DALNET Chat Channel Registration" @{rr}@{b}@{u} Here's how to register a chat channel on DALNET IRC servers@{u} @{FG text}@{uu}@{ub}@{red} -ChanServ- Command -REGISTER -ChanServ- Usage - REGISTER(channel) (password) (description) @{urr} @{FG text}Registers a channel to ChanServ for control. The founder is set to the person doing the registering. The password is for the founder to gain access in case the normal access methods for him/her fails. The description is totally arbitrary but must be included.@{FG text} @{b}@{u}@{FG shine}@{rr}@{red} EXAMPLE:@{black} @{FG text}@{uu}@{ub} Let's say you want to found/register a channel named Graphics and that your password is come aboard and the description of your channel is An Amiga Chatline for Graphics. To found/register that channel enter the follwing command line: @{red} /msg chanserv register #Graphics comeaboard An Amiga Chatline for Graphics @endnode //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node GALAXYNETCHATCHANNELREGISTRATION "GalaxyNet Chat Channel Registration" @background #ffdd00 @{urr} @{sc #ff1100}@{s} @{FG text}@{BG shine}To register a channel on GalaxyNet, you have to fill out a registration form, and email it to GalaxyNet. The form is as follows:@{FG text} @{rr} @{FG text}@{FG fill}[--GalaxyNET Channel Registration Form--]@{FG text} @{FG text}** READ THIS PLEASE! ** ** Important Instructions **@{FG text} 1. Please fill out the attached form as much as possible, anything left blank will be discarded and your channel will not be registered. 2. Cut at the appropiate line and paste into the message TEXT to : channel-registration@galaxynet.org 3. While your channel is being viewed, Please enjoy one of the many GalaxyNet Servers, or take this time to learn Q's many commands.@{us} @{blue} --------------------------------cut here----------------------------------- @{mark " A. 1. The Nickname you usually go by (e.g. Butch): 2. The Nickname you registered as on Q/NickServ: B. Your Email address (e.g. foo@bar.com): C. Channel you wish to register (e.g. #camelspit): D. Please list 5 IRC Nicknames and their E-Mail Addresses who will directly support your request and frequent the channel which you have requested. --------------------------------------------------------------- Nickname | E-mail address --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. E. Please right a short statement as to the purpose of this channel, and why you feel it should be yours:"}@{FG text} --------------------------------End of Form----------------------------------- @{" REGISTER GalaxyNet Channel " SYSTEM "ed Galxy-RegFORM.txt"} @{mark " Fill out the form....save it...Attach to email....and send to: channel-registration@galaxynet.org "} @{" REGISTER GalaxyNet Channel " SYSTEM "ed Galxy-RegFORM.txt"} @{hr} @endnode //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node COBRANETCHATCHANNELREGISTRATION "CobraNet Chat Channel Registration" @{a c dw}@{b}@{u}@{mark " To register a channel on cobra net go to :"}@{uu}@{ub} @{font f2}@{mark " www.cobra.net Registration page."}@{font} @{b}@{u}Simply fill out their form, and submit on site. You'll need a web browser, of course.@{uu}@{ub} @endnode //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node THANKSTO... "Thanks to..." @background "pics/mainback.iff" @{sc #ff1100}@{s}@{font f2} @{BG shine}Thanks to...@{FG text}@{font} @{mark " Ivan Sturlic"} @{"pics/ixglogo.iff" timg}@{n} @{b}@{u}@{blue} for the GREAT@{ub}@{us} @{"pics/agreplace.saff" saff} @{a c dw}@{sc #ffdd00}@{s} You should go to Ivan Sturlic's Web site or Aminet, and download the complete ix-guide archive. ixg07db.lha You will need it to learn the ixml language, to create your own ix-guides.@{us} @{hr} The updates of iX-Guide and other stuff will be available on iX-Guide WWW pages:@{n} @{sc shadow}@{s}@{bg shine}@{font f4}http://jagor.srce.hr/~isturlic@{us} @{hr} @endnode @node AUTHOR "Author" @{hr}@{hr}@{hr}@{hr}@{hr}@{hr}@{hr}@{sc #ffdd00}@{s} @{a c dw} About the Authors@{n} @{"pics/tntctvr.jpg" img} @{"pics/tnsandi.jpg" img}@{n} Terry Cooksey Sandra Cooksey @{"pics/ctpcwd2.jpg" img} @{hr}@{hr}@{hr}@{hr}@{hr}@{hr}@{hr} @endnode //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node ERRORS "Errors" @{sc #ff1100}@{s}@{font f2} @{rr}@{a c dw} @{b}@{u}ERRORS@{uu}@{ub}@{font} Please report ANY errors of ANY kind to: amiga@insolwwb.net OR terry@inet-direct.com@{us} @endnode //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node SUPPORTTHEAMIGAONCHATLINES "Support the Amiga on Chatlines" @background "pics/stars.iff" @{rr}@{a c dw} @{BG shine}@{red} Support the Amiga on Chatlines@{FG text} @{FG shine}@{blue}written by Sandra Cooksey@{FG text} @{"pics/clrsp.gif" img} @{"contact the author" link Contacttheauthor} @{"Credits" link CREDITS} @{BG shine}@{black}A line of communications is pretty much being ignored. This line is called chatlines. @{a defa} The world wide web has made it possible to access these lines of communications so we can reach one another across the world. So what are we doing with these lines of communications? How are we using these lines, and what can we do around the world on these lines of communication? @{urr} The chatlines are a good way to spread the support of the great Amiga, but somethings wrong. When we got on line back in August there were a total of 1-3 Amiga channels. We knew that wasn't right, so we created an Amigachannel then created another. We have about 10 Amiga channels now,compared to 3700 other channels supported by the PC world. Yes, 10 to 3700 is a large difference; so what are we amigans going to do about it ?@{n} Some of us are doing something aboutit! We're creating one Amiga channel after another, and spreading the great name of the greatest computer. Some are joining in and doing this same thing. We could use more Amiga owners out there to start their own channels and spread their ownknowledge of the Amiga.@{n} Let's get on these lines and shout that the Amiga still lives. The Amiga has far more ability than any PC or MAC and other computers , and we amigaowners know it. The best thing that we can do is get on line with these amigas and present our great work that we amigans do with our great computers. The power of the Amiga can speak for itself.@{n} The PC world has tried to destroy the Amiga; but,that great computer just stands through any destruction that comes against it. We need totake our amigas and go forward like we've never done before. The chatlines are a good way to go forward and support the amiga.@{n} The chatlines present many ways to communicate and share the works of the amiga. Taking the great work we do on our amigas and sharing with others and selling the great ability of the great computer is a great start for the Amiga. We need to strive to blast the name of the Amiga and give the best we have.@{n} If we want to keep the amiga around we are going to have to act now. The amiga needs that support, so lets give it. The chatlines are supposed to be a commun- ications device, so lets please use it that way. International communication has not been any easier.@{n} @{a c dw} ******************************************************** @endnode //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node CHATLINESAMIRC "Chatlines-AmIRC" @{rr}@{a c dw} @{u}@{sc #ffdd00}@{s}@{mark "Chatlines & AMIRC "}@{u} @{urr}@{a defa} AmIRC is a client for the IRC Internet Relay Chat protocol. IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat In a nutshell, IRC consists of a network of computers (servers) that are connected to each other via the internet or a LAN, and allow users with proper client software to connect and chat with each other. Within this network, virtual space is divided up into channels, usually with a topic of conversation, where users can talk in groups. If you don't have Amirc, you can go to http://www.vapor.com/amirc and download your IRC program and you can get to supporting your amiga on the chatlines. Now, here are a few things to get you on your way connected to a server and on a channel of your choice@{n} @{a c dw} .........@{n} What is needed to run AmIRC?@{n} ****************************@{p} @{a defa} Hardware ========@{n} AmIRC was written for the Amiga family of computers, and has been tested on 1200, 2000, 3000, & 4000 computers in various configurations. Software ========@{n} AmIRC requires About MUI v.3.1 or later in order to run. AmIRC requires KickStart & WorkBench 2.x or later, with setpatch 40.16 installed.@{p} AmIRC020 requires a 68020 or higher CPU, OS3.0 or newer, and MUI 3.1 or newer. If you do not have anyone of these, you must use the 68000 version of AmIRC. If you plan to run a TCP/IP stack and MUI and AmIRC, among other Internet applications, you should have at least 2 megabytes of RAM.@{p} Finally, You need to have a tcp/ip protocol stack running, such as AmiTCP/IP or Amiga technology's as225r2 tcp/ip protocol stack, With a slip, cslip, or ppp connection to the internet or an ethernet LAN.@{p} Alternatively, AmIRC will work with Multilink and a shell internet account. NOTE: As Mlink does not automatically set the HOSTNAME variable, this must be done when starting mlink. Env:hostname must contain the full domain name for your amiga, i/e 'calci.amiganet.pgh.net'. You must have OS 3.x in order to use sounds in AmIRC. AmIRC has its own installer script and requires that you have the Amiga installer utility (version 1.24 or later) located in your sys:c directory.@{p} @{a c dw} Getting AmIRC to run@{n} ********************@{p} @{a defa} Requirements ============@{n} To install, just click on the install icon, and answer the questions in the installer's requestors. If you cannot or prefer not to use the installer utility, a manual install is very simple, just move the contents of the archive to a directory of your choice and it's ready to use. If you have met the Requirements for the optimized version of AmIRC, delete the AmIRC file and rename "AmIRC020" as "AmIRC".@{p} @{a c dw} Connecting to a server@{n} **********************@{n} @{a c dw} Setup =====@{n} Once you have Installed AmIRC, run the AmIRC program from WB by clicking on its icon. After a few moments you will see the server connect requester appear. First type in a nickname in the first text gadget at the top of the requester. If you intend to use a nick that may be common, try typing in some variations in the next three boxes. This way, if your nick is in use by another person, the client will retry with the next nick. Next, enter your real name and your email address or www home page URL in the next text gadget. It is probably a good idea to be truthful here. :)@{n} Then, enter a username that will show as username @machine.network.org. username should be the same as the login ID for your service provider. Now you are ready to connect. Just click on a server from the supplied list or click new server entry and type the address and port number of your favorite server and then click connect. Optionally, you can choose one or a few channels to autojoin, just separate them with a comma. If you are already connected, and wish to connect to a second server, click connect thread to open a second instance of AmIRC. For instance, you're on dal.net and you can go to galaxy .net also and you can be on both servers at the same time.@{n} Now that you are on, and finding channels to go to, you can visit #Amiga3D ...it's on your list or you can type from the channel you are on ; /join #Amiga3D dragon.dal.net and you will be on one of our channels. If you need help, we will help. http://www.inet-direct.com/cooksey/ amiga3d htm/. Supporting the Amiga is what it's all about here. @endnode //---------------------------------------------------------------------- @node CONTACTTHEAUTHOR "contact the author" @{rr} To help you along with getting to know more about chatline commands, you can visit our website at: http://www.inet-direct.com/cooksey/clchg.htm ..or http://www.insolwwb.net/~terry/clchg.htm http://www.insolwwb.net/~terry/aaa.htm contact me at : Sandra Cooksey P.O. Box 586 Jonesboro,Ark 72403 terry@inet-direct.com terry@insolwwb.net @endnode //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @node CREDITS "Credits" @{rr}@{a c dw} @{u}@{sc #ffdd00}@{s}@{mark "credits go to: "}@{u} Oliver Wagner (author of Amirc) Oliver Wagner Landsberge 5 45549 Sprockh Germany E-Mail: owagner@vapor.com AND... to: Jarkko Oikarinen (jto@tolsun.oulu.fi). (for the instructions for amirc) @endnode //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @node Future "future" @{rr}@{a c dw} @{u}@{sc #ffdd00}@{s}@{font f3}@{mark "Future "}@{font f2} @{a defa} I will try to update this every few months, if I can. It's hard to ask anyone to send any kind of fee for these A.C.O. documents. But, to insure the continuation of this exclusive help, you should send some modest gift; software,hardware,cash, or anything of value. Regardless, I will do what I can. Thanks for your support ! @{hr} @endnode //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @node Changes "changes" @{a c dw}@{b}@{i}The last release of the AMIGA CHATLINE ORGANIZATION docs, was an amigaguide. This version is in ix-guide form. Additionally, new servers and channels have been added, More helpful hints, and additional information throughout.@{ui}@{ub} @endnode //-----------------------------------------------------------------------